We Love Our Puppies!
EFR Mini Heelers are ethical breeders focused on using the considerable power all breeders have to ensure our puppies are healthy and a pleasure to own.
- Our puppies are family raised so they will fit in beautifully with your family
- They are never inbred, so are very unlikely to develop genetic illness. In fact, all our Australian Cattle Dog puppies come with a Lifetime Money-Back Health Guarantee against serious genetic illness!
- They are personality tested and matched to your family so it’s a perfect match for you
You also get regular photo or video updates of their progress on our Facebook page.
In addition, we get their toilet training off to a great start and our puppies are chew toy conditioned, crate acclimatized, and well socialized.
As part of the all-important early socialization, we also take your puppy for trips to Tractor Supply Co and Pet Smart or Pet Co and the local feed store. We take them around in the shopping cart, careful to not ever put them onto the ground.

We do not dock tails as they are born with them, and we like the way they look. We also do not remove dewclaws. Dewclaws connect to your dog’s leg with their own nerve and blood supply, muscles and tendons.
Dewclaws attach to two major functioning tendons in your Mini Heeler’s lower legs. At one end, a tendon attaches to bone, at the other end it attaches to muscle. If you cut off the dewclaws you now have muscle attached to.…. nothing! Without the tendon, these major muscles no longer have any tension and will waste away from lack of use.
Dr. Christine Zink, a canine sports medicine consultant says, “Those muscles indicate that the dewclaws have a function. That function is to prevent torque on the leg. If a dog doesn’t have a dewclaw, the leg twists. A lifetime of that and the result can be carpal arthritis, or perhaps injuries to other joints, such as elbow, shoulder, and toes.”
Mini Heelers are very active dogs and do lots of running around, with quick turns and changes in direction. Their dewclaws will help stabilize their legs to minimize twisting, dewclaws help provide needed traction. Therefore, we leave them on our puppies in anticipation of an active lifestyle.
We support our owners throughout the life of their dog. Most importantly, we provide guidance to get their crucial early puppyhood period right, setting a strong foundation for a well-balanced, happy dog for you throughout its life.